Personal Training


Below are ideas of how you may want to use your block of PT sessions. Of course you may have your own goal that you want to achieve.

Pricing for Personal Training here. 

Drop A Dress Size

Personal Training sessions to drop your unwanted inches. Plenty of cardiovascular exercise to burn calories, strength training to increase your lean body composition and food diaries. Drop a dress size with my full support.

Body fat loss

Personal Training sessions of High-Intensity Interval Training alongside strength and conditioning work. Using my skin-fold callipers to measure your body fat percentage and charting your progress towards your goals.

Weight Lifting (Male & Female)

Personal Training sessions of Olympic lifts, kettle-bell and TRX bodyweight suspension training to build lean muscle and change your body shape for life.

Sports Performance

Personal Training sessions to improve your performance in Triathlon, Rugby, Cycling, Running or any of your chosen sport. With my range of qualifications, knowledge of the human anatomy and its movement patterns I will make you a stronger, faster and a more successful competitor, whether you are a beginner or a veteran.

Joint Personal Training Sessions

Train with your friend, husband, wife or partner, so you can spread the cost. Joint sessions work very well as you can support each other to achieve your goals and bring an element of fun and friendly competition to the session.